Walking barefooted on your lawn feels as though you are walking over tennis balls is an indication that your lawn needs rolling.
Rolling your lawn once in the spring as a regular maintenance is necessary to maintain a smooth lawn surface.
Rolling your lawn will even out your lawn surface and repair surface damage created during winter and early spring, when the ground surface is soft.
It is safer to walk on a lawn that has been rolled, and has a smoother surface.
Rolling your lawn will even out small bumps and acquire a smoother, safer lawn surface.
Please Note:
* If you require Lawn Rolling service it is important that you book your service call early in the season. Then we wait for the right day to deliver the service.
Because Lawn Rolling has to be specifically scheduled to be done when the soil is soft enough, but not too soft, the service day has to be picked considering ideal environmental conditions.
When the environmental conditions are ideal, we will go on our way and provide the service for all the customers that have placed a service order to have Lawn Rolling done.
How do we do it?
We ask that you water your lawn the night before or early morning so that the lawn is soft and it can be rolled.
When we get to your place we also water the lawn to further soften it. We carry some soil to fill the small lows and we have a tamper and other tools on hand to lower the highs.
Then we roll. The rolling will keep the up and downs of the existing grade but it will make the surface of the soil smooth. Smooth to walk and to run the mower.
LAWN SIZE in sq. ft
1 - 1000
2500 Regular bungalow
3500 Corner lot
*GST tax is additional to these rates.
Do you need help measuring your lawn? Please do not hesitate to call us. We will gladly pass by and figure out a rate to do Lawn Rolling for you.